Nachschlagewerk mit aktuellen Nachträgen

Autorinnen und Autorenverzeichnis

Bosschaert, Dries

Dries Bosschaert (Wilrijk, 1989) is a Ph.D. fellow of the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) in the History of Church and Theology Research Unit at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies. He studied Theology and Religious Studies at the KU Leuven and obtained a Master’s (2011), Advanced Master’s (2012) and STB (2012) degree.

Dries is currently working on a doctoral dissertation on the ‘theology of the temporal’ of the Louvain theologians Gustave Thils, Gerard Philips, Albert Dondeyne and Charles Moeller. Starting from their contribution to the ‘Malines’ Text’, a first draft of Gaudium et spes, their role at Vatican II is discussed as well. Central to this research are: movements of renewal in twentieth century theology, the Second Vatican Council and the relation between theology, the temporal, history, culture and society. The research is supervised by Professor Mathijs Lamberigts.

E-Mail: dries.bosschaert[a]


Band XXXIV (2013) Spalten 1409-1422 Thils, Gustave (1909-2000)