Nachschlagewerk mit aktuellen Nachträgen

Autorinnen und Autorenverzeichnis

Jędrzejewski, Tomasz

Tomasz Jędrzejewski is Assistant Professor in the Institute of Polish Literature, University of Warsaw. His research focuses on history of literature (especially Classicism, Rococo, Sentimentalism, Romanticism; relation between press and literature).
Main publications: Literatura w warszawskiej prasie kulturalnej pogranicza oświecenia i romantyzmu [Literature in the Warsaw Culture Press at the Turn of Enlightenment and Romanticism], Warszawa 2016, Czytanie „Dziadów” w czterech częściach [Reading of « Forefathers’ Eve in the Four Parts], Warszawa 2018, Blednący atrament. Polskie rokoko literackie lat 1795-1830 na tle europejskim [Fading Ink. Polish literary Rococo in the years 1795–1830 against the European background], Warszawa 2022.

E-Mail: tomasz.jedrzejewski[a]

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