Nachschlagewerk mit aktuellen Nachträgen

Autorinnen und Autorenverzeichnis

Gerrewey, Christophe von

Dr. Christophe Van Gerrewey studied architectural engineering and literary science in Ghent and Leuven (Belgium). At Ghent University, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, he completed in 2014 a PhD on the architectural criticism, history and theory of Geert Bekaert since the fifties. He is a member of the editorial board of the Dutch journal for architecture OASE and of the Belgian literary journal DWB. He published essays and reviews on contemporary architecture, literature, theory and criticism in journals such as Architectural Theory Review, The Journal of Architecture, A+U, OASE and De Witte Raaf. He is currently finishing a book on Belgian architecture since 1989, to be published in the fall of 2014 by Lannoo. He is also starting a new research project on the work of Rem Koolhaas and the Office for Metropolitan Architecture in the eighties. Published by De Bezige Bij (Antwerp/Amsterdam), he has written two novels (in Dutch); a collection of essays will appear in the spring of 2015.

E-Mail: christophe.vangerrewey[a]


Cum fundamento in re Architecture and Reality
Seite 123-144, in: Irina Hron (Hrsg.) und Alena E. Lyons,
Figuren von Ganzheit, Präsenz und Transzendenz nach der Postmoderne
libri nigri Band 43
Nordhausen 2015